Sunday, July 8, 2007

How leaders can connect with Gen Y

Blog and article on Gen Y's--I was googling vacations + Gen Y's when I found this
What to do? Get to work developing relationships with the stars of tomorrow – Generation Y.
Happy Sunday morning coffee to everyone


Mary Anne said...

Hi Eileen,
I have an interest in the multi generational work place as well. It is fascinating how some generations find it easier to quit a job when they don't get what they want, rather than to work within their present system. It is certainly not the Baby Boomer mentality. I have enjoyed your articles and appreciated all the work you have put in to your Blog. I wish there was more time in the day for researching. I hope your summer is going well. I miss our class already.
Mary Anne

Chris said...

I also had a similar discussion on my ride this morning with a GEN X'er! She is a very dedicated student, but her needs and wants are very different than what she and her Mom (a latch key kid) and Dad and me have. Her Dad is a baby boomers, her Mom a bit younger and then her. It is very interesting having discussions with her; it is truly a learning experience all centered around Multi-generational work places.

mcdj74 said...

This is becoming more and more a part of my every day thinking. I think about whether or not I'm talking to a Gen X or a Boomer before I open my mouth!

Mary Lou said...

Forming a team that employs all three gernerations in a collaborative venture is truly a challenge that could reap great rewards if successful. Great article.