Saturday, July 28, 2007

When dealing with wide range of ages, mutual respect is key

Great info from the Boston Globe


Chris said...

Excellent article, however you presenting the same your presentation; pointing out the generational differences in the work place and how to best use them to an advantage. You could have written this article too! Nice job!

Mary Lou said...

Indivduals believe that their opinion is the best. The trick is to impress on everyone that a combination of everyones viewpoint is far superior to the individual thought. Various personalities also add another dimention to the discusion. Great article.

posted by JoAnn said...

Great article. We have all come such a long way with our blogs. Great job with yours.

The Girl Next Door said...

You have done some great research. I will try to keep this in mind when I'n having one of my Gen Y's episodes